Alternative Addiction Therapy by Kimberly Hayes
/Hey there. Since I have been gone for a month Kimberly has been generous enough share one of her blogs with me for you to read. This is a wonderful article on alternative approaches to addiction recovery. Addiction is so prevalent in our society right now that being open to all form of help is the best way to approach sobriety. Enjoy!
Alternative Addiction Recovery | What You Need to Know
There is no one perfect recovery. Everyone’s struggle, and everyone’s success, looks different. If you or a loved one are considering recovery from addiction, here is what you need to know about alternative recovery methods.
When They Work
Traditional recovery often comes in the form of a 12-step program, and usually places addiction into the hands of a higher power. This works for many, but if you have tried the traditional model before, and found that it did not work for you, it may be time for a new approach. If you are not religious, need a different structure, or want to take full responsibility for your own recovery, it might be wise to try an alternative method.
It’s important to know what options you have available before making a decision. You could speak to a specialist or a recovery coach and decide what is best for you. Self-empowering groups may be just what you need to get back on the road to recovery for good. However, if you need a good sense of structure, have strong religious beliefs or have not entered recovery before, you may want to start with a conventional 12-step program.
Holistic Treatment
Holistic treatment is one effective supplement in your addiction recovery. More and more people are turning to holistic practices to help them in various forms of treatment. It is often used in tandem with another form of therapy, as a way to treat the person as a whole, rather than to focus on only part of the problem. For example, detoxifying, while important, is only one element of a comprehensive plan for addiction recovery.
To truly get on the path of recovery, the underlying causes of addiction need to be addressed. Massage and essential oils may be used to help with anxiety. Acupuncture and guided imagery may be used to help overcome cravings. Exercise, yoga or hypnosis might help to give focus and treat underlying issues that lead to addiction.
Artistic Therapies
There are many forms of art therapy that can be used as a supplement to your recovery. Expressing yourself creatively can have numerous benefits. The core of art therapy is to work with your therapist or specialist to find healthy and creative ways to give voice to emotions you might have difficulty naming with words. You can work in a group setting to gain other insights and socialize or independently at home to truly feel able to explore yourself and your emotions. Art can be a powerful tool to help you process any past hurts that may have contributed to your addiction.
If you’re experiencing pain from withdrawal or cravings, you could try music therapy. If you find yourself negatively impacted by your stress levels, you may find catharsis in creating a plan with your specialist.
Keeping Positive
Recovery is difficult. There is no denying it. By staying positive, you give yourself a better chance of sticking to your path and avoiding relapse. What healthy things or activities bring you joy? This is especially important if you turned to your addiction because you find happiness elusive. If you have a chemical imbalance in your brain, you may have sought ways to feel good in the past. You need to discover new ways to fulfill those needs without use of your substance. If you can find supplemental therapies that bring you happiness during this time, you may begin to associate recovery with joy, which in turn may help you stay on the path while also bringing you positivity.
It is important to emphasize again that what works for one person may not work for all. Just because you tried something in the past and did not experience success does not mean there is not a plan that can work for you. Talk to your therapist and decide which path that might work best for you.
Kimberly Hayes enjoys writing about health and wellness and created to help keep the public informed about the latest developments in popular health issues and concerns. In addition to studying to become a crisis intervention counselor, Kimberly is hard at work on her new book, which discusses the ins and outs of alternative addiction treatments.